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Steering Committee Contact Info

Clay Fest Steering Committee meets the first Tuesday of the month in January, February, March, June, September, and November.


Bookkeeper Trainee, Sienna Thomas, sienna@littlebluelephant.com

Building, Chris Polich, madgoatpolich@gmail.com

Bulk Mailing, Mark Timmerman, Mudtoart@gmail.com

Cash, Gwen Childs, gchilds1@msn.com

Clay Fest Chair,  Laura Wikane, lajackson01@hotmail.com

Credit/Debit co-, Nina Fernstrom-Duong, nina@rakufish.com

Credit/Debit co-, Tea Duong, tea@teaduong.com

Demos, Jon King, jonspots@gmail.com

Gallery Display, Mariah Williams, mariahrosa@gmail.com

Gallery Set-Up, Joe Geil, jpkgeil@gmail.com

Graphics, Frank Gosar, fgosar@q.com

Info Packs, Lee Dwyer, madpotterdwyer@yahoo.com

Kids' Clay, Amy Hess, claymasonstudio@gmail.com

Postering, Maria Counts, thewhisperinghouse@gmail.com 

Publicity co-chair, Anna Bloomquist, birdsbowlsandthings@gmail.com 

Publicity co-hair, Matty Maxwell, mattymaxwell@gmail.com

Registrar, Faye Cates, phasemail@gmail.com

Sales Table, Ziggy Blum, ziggyblum@q.com

Sales Tags, Tracie Manso, tracie.manso@gmail.com 

Secretary, Karen Washburn, karen.washburn@gmail.com

Security/Info, Dawn Craig, firstblush@hotmail.com

Show Furnishings, Faith Rahill, frahill84@gmail.com

Signage, Booth, Ted Ernst, tedernstpottery@hotmail.com

Signage, Booth (trainee), Emily Bellehumeur, 4gardengirls@gmail.com 

Signage, Show Cathy McGrath, cjmcgrath27@gmail.com 

Treasurer, LC & CF, Robin Russell Sanchez, robinrussell1952@gmail.com

Webmaster, Windy Adoretti, windy@adoretti.com 

Workshifts, Nicole Hummel, nicole.hummel@gmail.com

Updated 9/12/2024

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