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March 1, 2022 Clay Fest

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

Meeting minutes for Clay Fest chairs meeting 3/1/22

These are very incomplete, due to technical difficulties on the

part of the secretary and stand-in.

Present: Annie Heron, Beth Johnson, Chris Polich, Claire Delffs, Faith

Rahill, Frank Gosar, Mariah Williams, Hannah Themann, Karen

Washburn, Merry Newcomer, Michael McKinney, Nina Duong, Robin

Russell, Sandy Segna, Tea Duong, Ted Ernst, Laura Wikane

Minutes taken by: Annie Heron

The discussion began with a decision that we will not have

demos. Need for potters to be in their booths, need to avoid

clustering people too closely together.

There was not a discussion of kids’ kits.

The floor plan was mentioned but not discussed – many

discussions were postponed until we have more info as to how

many potters are actually going to sign up.

A discussion of booth fees – but again, it seems we did not have

enough info to make decisions.

(from Karen’s notes for agenda)

Booth fees to break even:

Need $5000 for LEC

? for pipe and drape and other furnishings

Insurance cost?

[Are we okay with not breaking even? The treasury could handle

it. ]

Discussion of credit/debit :

do we need the Info Booth people to be able to handle this, or

can Tea and Nina do it, for sure?

Cash: ditto, for Anna Stehle (Cash Chair/trainee)

Info booth will need to be able to take credit/debit, cash, and

wrap as needed

Do we need a door monitor (“security” person—different from

Security Patrols before

and after show)

Workshifts will be Info, Greeter, Maybe Security....is that all?

Committees will handle everything else?

When should we shoot for the App to go out?

We will also begin to consider how Booth Selection will be done.

When? Where/how?

Info Pack Chair will need to know how to write the App for online,

and can it be the

same as the paper ones we send to the Mail Only people?

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